How Koshika Works

In essence, we are a not-for-profit Public Charitable Trust, dedicated to improving the lives of the underprivileged. And we do this through a completely transparent, auditable process. We act as a reliable & integral medium between the Donors & the Beneficiaries. 

Koshika Modus Operandi

  • Outreach Camps, for free eye check-up, are held, mostly in rural areas, by Koshika Foundation and/or other Organisations.
  • Typically, all patients, in these Camps, are subjected to checks for Visual acuity, Ophthalmoscopy (if required), Refraction, Cataract screening etc. All tests are free for all patients.
  • Shortlisted patients are checked for BP, Blood Sugar & IOP (Intra-ocular pressure), to assess fitness for surgery.
  • Cleared patients are transported, free of cost, to the base hospital or one of the satellite hospitals nearest to the Camp site. In case of Kolkata, patients come either from Camps or also with volunteers from their villages.
  • Patients stay overnight at base or satellite hospital, undergo tests & surgeries, all on free of cost basis. All costs paid by Koshika. In case of Kolkata, patients undergo a day-procedure.
  • After surgery, patients are transported back to the Camp site, again free of cost.
  • Distribute free medicines to patients visiting Charitable Clinics/Dispensaries, with which Koshika has a tie-up.
  • Raise funds from Trustees & Donors, for the benefit of Patients (Ultimate beneficiaries).

Koshika'S Responsibility Towards Beneficiaries & Donors

  • Utilize every single Rupee received by koshika, solely & directly for benefit of ultimate beneficiaries. Koshikas administrative & fund-raising expenses are funded by Trustees or through grants, for this specific purpose, from Corporates/other sources. 
  • Send feedback/proof to Donors. Receipts for Donations are sent to Donors within 15 days after credit of amount in Koshikas bank account. In case of donations for Eye Care, details of real beneficiaries (names, addresses, photos etc) & type/date of surgeries sponsored for each one of them, are e-mailed to the Donors, within 60 days after receipt of the Donation in Koshikas bank account.
  • Details of all patients (name, age, sex, brief address ~ village & visit date) screened in Camps & Vision Centres are recorded by way of scanned Lists or Reports uploaded on Koshikas website.
  • Scanned copies of Patients Register (containing name, age, sex, brief address & visit date ) from the Charitable Clinics are uploaded on Koshikas website.

Our methodology & conduct are shaped strictly by the resolve to maintain complete transparency & impeccable accountability towards all our stakeholders. Our Systems & Processes, outlined below, are a testimony to this resolve:


We conduct a Due-diligence of our Partners on the basis of collation/ analysis of following pertinent information:

  • Name, Address & Contact details (Contact person, Phone, e-mail) of the Institution
  • Year of establishment of the Institution
  • Type of ownership of the Institution
  • Registration Number & Name of Registering Authority
  • Names of Directors/Trustees/Main shareholders of the Institution
  • Number & locations of satellite facilities, branches, field offices in India & outside India
  • No. of Operation Theatres in Base hospital & Satellite locations
  • Total No. of surgeries (of types proposed to be sponsored Cataract, Retinal procedures, Glaucoma, Corneal transplant etc) conducted annually
  • No. of fully paid surgeries (of types proposed to be sponsored Cataract, Retinal procedures, Glaucoma, Corneal transplant etc) conducted annually
  • No. of free surgeries (of types proposed to be sponsored Cataract, Retinal procedures, Glaucoma, Corneal transplant etc) conducted annually
  • Charges for the surgeries (of types proposed to be sponsored Cataract, Retinal procedures, Glaucoma, Corneal transplant etc) from full-paying patients
  • Cost of different types of surgeries (of types proposed to be sponsored Cataract, Retinal procedures, Glaucoma, Corneal transplant etc) for soliciting Donations
  • Details of Doctors:
  • Number of Senior consultants (with post-graduation MD degrees or higher) on salary basis
  • Number of consultants (with MBBS degrees) on salary basis
  • Number of Doctors on visting basis & simultaneously running their private practice
  • PAN No.
  • TAN No.
  • Bank Account details
  • Latest Annual Report of the Institution
  • Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Account of last 3 years
  • Total amount of donations received in a year from within India & from Overseas
  • List of other Charitable bodies/NGOs/Donors rendering assistance to the Institution
  • Any other documents, about the Institutions work etc

Eligibility Criterion for Rendering Assistance to Beneficiaries

We offer assistance to beneficiaries from:

A) Camps held by Koshika

B) Camps & Charitable OPDs run by other Charitable Institutions

C) Walk-in beneficiaries requesting assistance


Attending of Camps by Patients, coming from far & near, is in itself, considered an expression of their desire/compulsion to seek free help. All patients from Camps are accepted for assistance, in good faith.

Following Eligibility Criterion have been fixed for screening the Walk-in needy beneficiaries& those referred by other Charitable OPDs:

  • A person (or belonging to a family) holding a BPL Card
  • A person (or belonging to a family) holding a EWS Certificate
  • A Senior Citizen abandoned by his/her family
  • Any exception as considered appropriate by the recommending Institution/Hospital, and the Trustees

Most poor people do not possess a BPL Card or an EWS Certificate. Hence, approval for assistance, in most cases, is based on judgment of the Hospital & Trustees.

Process of Screening & Rendering Assistance for Surgeries

  • Hard copies of blank "Application Form for Assistance" are made available to the Hospital, where these are kept at the Reception or with the Administration Department. Soft copies of this Form are available, for download, on Koshika's website.
  • If a patient satisfies any one of the above Eligibility Criteria, he/she is requested/helped to fill up the Form.
  • Before signing the Form, or affixing his/her thumb impression on it, the patient is made to understand clearly, by the hospital staff, the "Declarations" and "Terms & Conditions" contained in this Form.
  • The Hospital/patient has to affix a copy of his/her photograph (both pre-op & post-op) on the Form, and for being displayed on Koshikas website.
  • Trustees of Koshika Foundation approve or reject such an application, at their sole discretion.
  • If the case is approved by Koshika, it reserves the right to publish/dsiplay the patients photograph on their website or in their brochures etc through print/electronic media etc.
  • For the approved cases, the amount agreed/estimated for the treatment/procedure is paid by Koshika directly to the Hospital, after completion of the treatment/procedure, or in stages, as may be agreed upon before-hand, between the Hospital & Koshika Foundation.
  • By accepting the money from Koshika Foundation, it is understood that the Hospital has, ipso facto, confirmed that they have not and/or will not receive any financial assistance from any other source, for the same case, to the extent that such assistance is granted by Koshika. The Hospital cannot accept any financial assistance, from any other source, which is in effect, a duplication of the assistance granted by Koshika. In case of surgeries, for which Koshika pays part amount, the Hospital is free to receive assistance, for the balance, from another source

Koshikas Ethical Code

The sole motivation for our work, stems from a belief in empathy, selfless giving & service without any regard for religion, politics, caste & other similar differentiations. We are together to help others & not ourselves. Our adherence to these ethics, manifests in different ways.

No Compensation/Expenses Paid to any Trustee

  • We think of our work at Koshika as an expression of our "seva bhav"
  • No Trustee charges even a single Rupee, under any head or any pretext


  • Meticulous records maintained for every single beneficiary of your kindness, who undergoes surgery. These records are in the form of hard copies (at our office) as well as under the section "Real People Served" on our website (for last 3 years). Records include duly filled in Koshika Assistance Application Form & photo for each beneficiary. The Application Form contains all details such as beneficiarys name, address, family background, diagnosis & the surgery conducted; the Form is duly signed by the beneficiary, Hospital representative & Doctor.
  • Database of our Donors and Beneficiaries for clarity about receipt & utilization of funds. Donors names & photos are revealed/posted on the Website (in Sections like "Details/List of Beneficiaries" & "Hall of Honour" etc), only after obtaining necessary permission from them. Beneficiarys details and photos are also, likewise, displayed after receiving their permission on the Assistance Forms.
  • Transparent Governance. Registered Trust Deed and Minutes of Meetings of Trustees are uploaded on the website. Audited Balance Sheet & other Financial statements offer all the necessary details about our financial discipline & health; these are also available on the website.
  • Audited Books of Accounts maintained, and Income Tax Returns filed, as prescribed by law.
  • Legally compliant with all applicable laws/rules.