Baby Pinkki Bgam is 1 years old girl. She is the daughter of rikshaw puller from Vill. Gathiya Gachh, PO:- Fatapukur, P.S -Rajgunj, Dist. Jalpaiguri, PIN 735134. Baby Pinkki Bgam was suffering from a heart disease, which had seriously impaired her growth & normal life.
A timely heart procedure helped save she life .
You can help by donating to Koshika to sponsor such free heart surgeries/procedures. Your generosity will allow Baby Pinkki Bgam & many other children in similar predicament, to lead a normal & healthy life.
Any amount of donation - small or large - will add to the kitty for funding such surgeries/procedures.
Indian Nationals/NRIs/Indian Companies are required to donate in Indian Rupees. Foreign nationals/People of Indian origin holding foreign passports/Foreign companies should donate in foreign currency.
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Attending of Camps by Patients, coming from far & near, is in itself, considered an expression of their desire/compulsion to seek free help. All patients from Camps are accepted for assistance, in good faith.
Following Eligibility Criterion have been fixed for screening the Walk-in needy beneficiaries & those referred by other Charitable OPDs:
Most poor people do not possess a BPL Card or an EWS Certificate. Hence, approval for assistance, in most cases, is based on judgment of the Hospital & Trustees.
Koshika conducts due-diligence of it's Partners on the basis of collation/analysis of following pertinent information (as available):